Eugene Sherayzen is the founder and owner of Sherayzen Law Office, PLLC. Since 2005, Mr. Sherayzen has helped hundreds of individuals and companies to solve their personal and business problems related to US and International Tax Compliance, Offshore Voluntary Disclosures, and International Tax & Estate Planning.
Mr. Sherayzen primarily practices in the areas of U.S. and international business and tax law. His main areas of concentration include International Tax Compliance, Offshore Voluntary Disclosures and International Tax & Estate Planning.
Mr. Sherayzen is highly experienced in such complex areas as: IRS OVDP (Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program) with its new offshoots of Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures and Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures, FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), FBARs (Report on Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts – Form TD F 90-22.1), PFICs (Passive Foreign Investment Company – Form 8621), FDE (Foreign Disregarded Entity – Form 8858), U.S. Ownership of Foreign Partnerships (Form 8865), U.S. Ownership of Foreign Corporations (Form 5471), Foreign Ownership of U.S. Corporations (Form 5472), and other related forms and regulations.
Mr. Sherayzen regularly engages in complex international and domestic tax planning for businesses and individuals, including such areas as: foreign rental income, gold and other precious metals investments, foreign mutual funds, international corporate tax planning, international partnership tax planning, international tax and estate planning for business owners and high net-worth individuals, and other related areas.
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