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As a veteran of one of the nation's highest stakes court systems, I have spent close to 20 years passionately advocating for clients and others in my charge both as an attorney and in other capacities.  As an attorney, I learned the practice of law in the trenches, dedicating myself to finding solutions to clients' matters both in and out of the courtroom.  At times, a client's matter can be resolved diplomatically, and I am a skillful negotiator. At other times, resolving a client's matter requires me to drive hard, and I do not back down in the face of adversity, no matter how difficult the challenge may seem!


I had a modest upbringing and I fought hard to make it to the top.  While attending law school at night, I remember a comment that was made to me in a social setting - "It's not easy being a young attorney."  As a young attorney, it was by no means easy, but nothing stops me coming out swinging and going the distance.  Being the first in my family to become an attorney, fighting with all of my heart to make the difficult situations my clients were faced with better, and putting my stake in the ground as a young attorney were challenges to be met and overcome.  When my clients come to me for help, they are often facing one of their most difficult times in life.  Knowing that life is not always easy, I take clients' concerns personally, and I am only satisfied when a client is satisfied.  Success is often hard-fought, and I wouldn't expect it to be any other way.


I threw my hat in the ring the day I graduated from Temple University's Beasley School of Law; a proud occasion after four demanding years of classes, four nights a week, and while working full-time.  With that goal in life accomplished, I took the initiative to learn what it takes to win as an attorney.  Working with a legend among Philadelphia attorneys, studying trial advocacy at the Defender Association of Philadelphia through Temple Law, and serving as a select private attorney for the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender gave me incomparable trial experience and expertise. I went on to establish the Lento Law Firm which I started and built from the ground up, and which in more than a decade has successfully handled thousands of clients' cases, some of which have generated national and even international media coverage.


When I set a goal in life, I do not stop until I succeed, and I put the same determination into resolving my clients' concerns - Countless battles both in and out of the courtroom, countless negotiations where the stakes are always high, and sometimes, everything falls into place without having to come out swinging.  Nothing gets handed to most people in life, and whether it's a position I'm arguing for a client, a negotiation with the powers that be that will allow for a more favorable resolution to a client's case, or anything that requires me to drive hard, I do not stop until I get results! 


Maintaining My Edge

I maintain my edge, and I am an active member of notable legal associations and also organizations exclusively dedicated to representing Family Law clients. I stay on the frontline of the law, and I stay informed of the best practices in Family Law. Some of my professional activities, both past and present, include the following:

  • The National Trial Lawyers - Top 100
  • American Bar Association - Section of Family Law
  • Pennsylvania Bar Association
  • Philadelphia Bar Association - Family Law Section
  • Montgomery County Bar Association
  • Delaware County Bar Association
  • Bucks County Bar Association
  • Federal Circuit Bar Association


Contact Info:

888.535.3686 / 888.J.D.LENTO


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Joseph D. Lento - Pennsylvania's Top 50 Lawyer - Conservatorship Law

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