Meg Strickler is one of the nation's leading attorneys on internet crime and technology law who is licensed to practice in GA, NY and CA. She counsels clients on complex information privacy and security issues, theft of intellectual property, computer intrusions and online fraud. She is a preeminent trial lawyer who represents individuals and corporations, financial institutions and professional firms in criminal investigations, including SEC and tax proceedings. She also conducts extensive internal investigations for corporations and privately held businesses. In addition, she represents individuals facing tax, health care, government contracting, insider trading and bank fraud investigations. Through the years, Ms. Strickler has also chaired and lectured on a variety of transnational and international legal panels at legal seminars around the world concerning criminal law, anti-corruption, business crime, human rights, and international criminal law.
Meg is a member of the ABA's Cyberspace Law Committee and has published "Recent Developments in Privacy Law" in the ABA's Business Law Journal two years in a row. In 2017, Ms. Strickler was formally appointed to the International Bar Association (IBA) Cyber Security Task Force which formally published its guidelines in October 2018. Along with her "Legal Dream Team" members, she recently won an Emmy award for coverage of the "Hot Car Death" trial. She is the co-chair of the ITechLaw Cyber Crime Committee and vice chair of the IBA Professional Ethics Committee. She is the former co-chair of the IBA Committees on Criminal Law and Cyber Crime as well as the former North American Liaison of the IBA War Crimes Committee. She is also the current ABA Section on International Law Liaison to the ABA Criminal Justice Section and serves on the Steering Group for the ABA International Anti-Corruption Committee. Meg is also very active in the U.S. Women's White Collar Defense Association where she is a member of the Development Committee.
In her practice, Ms. Strickler is very successful in speaking with law enforcement in the very early stages of a criminal investigation. At the federal level, if you are called to visit HR for questioning, if you receive a "target letter", a friendly visit or phone call from an agent or agents, or are subject to a search warrant, call Conaway & Strickler, PC immediately, and tell law enforcement/in house counsel/HR you are contacting a lawyer and will only speak to them with counsel present. For these situations, please immediately call Meg's cell phone: 646-535-8185/404-695-0500. At the state level, a detective will call or stop by and "just want to talk". Don't. It NEVER is a good idea. And no, retaining a lawyer will not influence law enforcement to think you are guilty. It is just that you must protect yourself and your rights at all times.
Ms. Strickler's success for defending her clients is based, in part, on her study and knowledge of drug, alcohol and other addiction and dependency problems that are sometimes part of the reason her clients find themselves in trouble with the law in the first place. Ms. Strickler also works on behalf of clients and their families facing mental health issues. She works with her clients to understand how a mental health crisis may have led to her client's arrest. She knows our criminal justice system fails our citizens and our communities in that it doesn't really take into account the great number of ways addiction problems and mental health issues can pull people and their families into the criminal justice system. The criminal laws of our country tend to treat all persons facing arrest as "one size fits all" and it fails to take into account how problems with addictions to things as diverse as alcohol and drugs to gambling can lead people into problems with the law. She works with clients to bring these issues to the attention of law enforcement and prosecutors early, so that clients can be treated as a human being needing help and not just another statistic. The best thing she can do for a client is to get their case dismissed before an indictment or accusation is ever drafted by the prosecutor.
Meg regularly appears on national TV where she comments on high profile cases. She has appeared on Fox, Fox Business Channel, MSNBC, HLN, CNN, CNN International, Global News in Canada and CourtTV, among others. She has also appeared on all of the Atlanta local television news programs in relation to her representation of her clients. She has also provided legal commentary on Fox radio stations throughout the country. She has been cited in print publications including People magazine, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, the Irish Independent, IBA Global Insight and Credit Union Times. Meg is also the author of many articles on international legal issues.
Meg currently assists Emory Law School's Kessler-Eidson Institute for Trial Advocacy, where she instructs law school students in the art of case preparation and trial advocacy. She also teaches ethics to first year Emory Law students through a three day round table discussion involving first year law students, law school faculty and practicing attorneys through the The State Bar of Georgia's Committee on Professionalism and The State of Georgia's Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism at Emory University School of Law. She also helps Emory University School of Law's Moot Court Special Teams in their various competitions each year.
Contact info:
Phone: (404) 816-5000
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